Club Educathlon

Educational activities
Club Educathlon

Address & Contact Details

Club Educathlon

Centre Frédéric Ozanam - Sin El Fil - facing the Municipal Stadium - Metn -Lebanon,
Sin el fil,

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Encourage preadolescence to discover their true passion in life through interactive sections in a well-structured and fun environment.
We provide courses and activities for kids from the ages of 8 to 13, giving them the freedom to explore new hobbies and career paths.
At Educathlon we instill a sense of wonder in your children from the time they are young and help them figure out their true passion and their true sense of belonging. We have many opportunities to informally dig below the surface for their strong interest and we have the means to lead their way. We at Educathlon provide a new approach where your kids are encountered with different public figures and career choices. They will exercise not only their bodies but also their minds and souls!


Educational Actitivites

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