Music and its benefits to your kid’s brain

Music is such a brilliant gift to humanity that you hear it everywhere; holidays, occasions, hotel lobbies, military parades, etc.

Put away the tons of scientific research conducted on music and its effects on kids, think of the many feelings it incites in them. Don’t deny your little ones the magic of learning and making music, as they will reap all the benefits in the future.

From school performance to a better social life, teaching kids to play an instrument and manipulate these musical notes is a thing that could never go wrong.

School performance

According to multiple studies, music, and in particular learning it, proves to be a key element in most students’ academic success. By paying attention in class, participating, and learning how to play an instrument, the nervous system develops faster. Many papers suggest a higher IQ, higher concentration, and sharper eye and ear to details.

And just in case your kid will be continuing college abroad, there are many scholarship programs for kids who are good at music.


It is one thing to learn how to play an instrument, and another to learn the history of this instrument and the music you are playing. Knowledge in genres of music, legends of this field, and how that violin you are holding against your face was made, will open new horizons of curiosity towards other subjects. Your kid will be left with a remarkable intellectual luggage when growing up.

Socializing and making friends

It is always an appropriate conversation opener when music is the topic to discuss. Whether it was asking about someone’s favorite song or what music they listen to the most, no matter what the answer is, it will get the conversation going. It is extremely easy to socialize when you have a background heavy in history and general information; plus, it makes you sound and look interesting and credible. Something not to deny your kid from.

Motor skills and language

With learning how to play an instrument, your kid learns how to skillfully control their wrists, fingers, eyes, and feet. Physical and mental coordination will both grow in parallel as your child advances in their lessons.

By listening to a song, it usually takes little time to memorize the lyrics and start singing along. How do we teach our kids the alphabet? With the ABC song, of course. Exposing kids to songs at an early age will develop their speech and language, which means wider vocabulary, better pronunciation, and in general better memory.

To check music schools in Lebanon, visit: MUSIC PLACES

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